On November 13th, I presented a webcast for O'Reilly about using messaging protocols to build mobile and web applications.
This webcast can be watched for free or you can read the slides that were used for the presentation. They contain most of the information I talked about during this 1-hour long webcast.
Thanks to the people at O'Reilly (and especially Yasmina Greco) to setup this presentation, it was a great and fun experience.
On November 13th, I will present a webcast for O'Reilly about Using Messaging Protocols to Build Mobile and Web Applications:
The use of mobile devices is increasing and widening. Not only smart phones and tablets are connected to the internet but also automation devices, car systems, etc. Even though these devices are increasingly powerful, they still have some constraints unknown from desktop devices; they have limited battery life and intermittent network availability requiring efficient protocols to communicate with other devices and servers in a reliable efficient way.
The messaging technology enables us to overcome some of these constraints by providing protocols that efficiently use the most critical resources (network bandwidth and memory) guaranteeing the data will be effectively delivered even in the event of network connectivity loss.
In this webcast, we will take a look at messaging concepts and present two simple messaging protocols, STOMP and MQTT to build simple mobile (iOS) and Web applications.
Registration is free and the webcast will last approximatively 1 hour (40 minutes of presentations and 20 of questions).
See you there!
The book is now available in digital and print editions at O'Reilly.
It was released just in time to be part of the Back to (Tech) School sale and you can save 50% by using the discount code B2S4
Grab it while it's hot!
The book page on O'Reilly web site is now online and the first chapters on STOMP can be already be read in early release ebook format.
It should be available in printed edition at the end of August or beginning of September.
The book cover has already been drawn and represents a song thrush:

It is really exciting to see the book taking shape and being put in many hands.
More to come...
I have agreed with O'Reilly Media to write a book titled Mobile & Web Messaging.
The book will be an introduction to the concepts of messaging protocols (and how they differ from request/reply protocols) targeted for mobile and Web developers.
Messaging protocols have been used for a long time in the enterprise software (such as JMS on Java platform) and they start to permeate in mobile and Web environments.
These environments have different characteristics from enterprise environments and the messaging protocols targeted for them differ from enterprise messaging protocols.
O'Reilly agreed to license this book under a creative commons license. That is important since this means the book will be written in the open and the source of the code hosted at GitHub. Examples of the book will also be available on GitHub.
This is a long dream come true as I always wanted to write a book. I often joke that I prefer to write about code than write code... It's time to show that I mean it.
I am grateful that my employer, Red Hat, kindly accepted to let me spend some of my work time working on this book.
News about the book will be posted here and on Twitter:
More to come...